Permanent makeup is a cosmetic technique that uses carefully applied tattoos to give you the appearance of wearing makeup. It is also known as permanent cosmetics, dermapigmentation, micropigmentation and cosmetic tattooing.

Our dentist will meet with you in an individual consultation prior to performing your procedure to discuss the look you want to achieve and determine the correct colors and shading for your permanent makeup. We will then provide you with a topical anesthetic to minimize pain and discomfort and use a sterile surgical pen to sketch the area being tattooed. Your permanent makeup will then be tattooed on the top layer of your skin.

The results of your treatment are immediate. Your permanent makeup will initially appear darker due to the color remaining on the outermost layer of skin. These colors will soften over the next three weeks as the healing process replaces your upper layers of skin.

After treatment, you should avoid sun and UV exposure, especially from tanning booths or beds, for at least 10 days. We also recommend that you avoid alpha hydroxy and Retin-A products during that time. Your skin may appear swollen and red following treatment, but this will fade within a couple of days. We will provide you with detailed post-treatment instructions.

Call 303-716-7321 to schedule an appointment with our dentist, Dr. Stephanie Paswaters, and learn more about permanent makeup in Lakewood, Colorado.